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HOROSCOPES – September 2022

Aries (March 21 – April 19): This summer was a summer you’ll never forget! Luck has been on your side since late spring. As we enter September, you may find yourself having communication issues. This is because mercury will be in an opposition to your natal sun, while Jupiter is retrograding in Aries. This energy can feel chaotic, however, there won’t be anything thrown at you that you won’t be able to handle. My advice to you this month Aries is to allow yourself to embrace your strength and persevere through the obstacles this month. You will come out on the other side of this month with more confidence than ever! 

Taurus (April 20 – May 20): Taurus, you have been able to sense changes coming into your life. This month will give you all the answers you’ve been looking for in regard to who, or what you need in your circle. As a loyal sign, letting go has always been difficult with those you love, but now is the time to take back your power. Unapologetically. My advice to you this month is to keep an eye out for what your intuition is telling you on the 9th, during the full moon in Pisces. This full moon will give you the insight and confidence behind the decisions you need to make this month to keep you on track! 

Gemini (May 21 – June 20):  This month Geminis will be incredibly active! With mars transiting in a soft conjunction to your natal sun, you will feel more energized, possibly even restless. My advice this month is to be weary of gossip, and rumors. Whatever you say now, will resurface later in the year. Make sure you’ll be proud you said it!

Cancer (June 21 – July 22): This is a big month for you, Cancer! You’ve already been working hard on making positive changes within yourself for the past few months, and finally embracing your originality as beautiful and unique. By the full moon on the 9th this month, you will notice how unbelievably comfortable you feel in your own skin. Congratulations cancer, you’re safely on the other side of your transformation! My advice to you this month, is to continue the positive changes you’ve made for your personal development this summer as we transition into the later months. Sometimes as the weather gets cold, Cancers can easily climb back into their shell of conformity. With how much personal growth you’ve done in the last few months you owe it to yourself to continue this path of embracing your best, most authentic self! 

Leo (July 23 – August 22):  Leo, this month is all about cherishing the ones you love. You’re at a point where you look around and you see that you’ve completely manifested the dreams you had years ago. For a straightforward, loving sign like Leo a part of you couldn’t be happier. However, there will always seem to be a part of you that can’t help but worry about the future, and how things might be one day. My advice to you this month is to live in the moment as much as you can. Take pictures with your loved ones and make memories. There’s no denying how connected you are to the people around you, but sometimes worrying about something before it’s a problem can sabotage your ability to truly embrace the happiness around you. Be in the moment this month, you won’t regret it! 

Virgo (August 23 – September 22): Virgo, this month you will find yourself more in the spotlight than you’re generally comfortable with. With Mercury retrograding in conjunction with your natal sun, this month will be all about protecting your own energy. Granted, whenever mercury retrogrades, the energy doesn’t present itself in a way that we are used to. You may find yourself struggling for time alone or realizing certain friends or family have grown a dependency on you. This energy is presenting itself, so you are aware. Some Virgos may be happy to matter so much to family or friends that they are calling them up, others may find this energy suffocating. My advice this month Virgo is to be true to yourself and those around you. Those that truly care, will understand your need to isolate and regenerate your energy.

Libra (September 23 – October 22): Libra this month, the things you say, and your opinions will be boosted into the spotlight!  Last month felt like everything you ever knew was being tested, this month you will feel more evolved and unapologetically original! You will find people being attracted to your energy and have positive social interactions because of it! My advice this month is to own your growth and confidence, all while maintaining your kindness and authenticity. As the sign known for balance, this is more than possible! Enjoy! 

Scorpio (October 23 – November 21): This month will start out as a turning point for you, Scorpio! With the moon in a critical 15-degree Scorpio on the 1st, you will feel more driven to follow your heart this month. Scorpios that are in relationships might decide to take the next step, whereas Single Scorpios will find an abundance of opportunities at their fingertips. My advice this month is to follow your heart, but don’t ignore what your head is telling you. Plan, accordingly, and you can have everything your heart desires!

Sagittarius (November 22 – December 21): Sagittarius this month is bound to be a productive one! You have a lot to do, which is bound to keep you busy. Trying to balance work, and those we love is always difficult for such a free-spirited sign. However, this month with mars in an opposition to your natal sun, you may find a lot of your plans not working out the way you planned. It’s important to remember when a door closes, a window opens. My advice this month is to embrace the chaos and use this as an opportunity to grow and learn. This month you will finally learn who and what you can rely on!

Capricorn (December 22 – January 19): Capricorn, this month you may feel split between what you want to be doing and what is expected of you. This energy is presenting itself to give you an opportunity to stand up for yourself and make your reality one that makes you feel happy and fulfilled. My advice to you this month, is to remember we work hard for the things we want. Now it’s time to get to work! 

Aquarius (January 20 – February 18):  This month you may start out feeling completely overwhelmed, yet restlessly excited. Only those as unique as Aquarius sun could handle this energy! Don’t fret! You have a lot of stuff on your plate right now, and if you keep moving forward you will accomplish everything. My advice to you this month, is if you’re feeling overwhelmed and emotional try reaching out to an air sign or fire sign friend! Sometimes it’s not about having the answers, more than it is being heard and understood. 

Pisces (February 19 – March 20): Pisces, this month is going to start out very differently than how it’s going to end! In the first week of September, you will feel a drain in your energy and general sense of direction in life. No need to fear! By the full moon on the 9th in Pisces, your energy will be completely regenerated! And your intuition will be sharper than ever! My advice this month, rest up until the full moon, then use your energy boost to lead by example. Your wisdom and faith are inspiring everyone you come into contact with!

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