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Horoscopes – October 2022

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Aries (March 21 – April 19): Aries, going into the month of October you may be feeling like the best is behind you. After an incredible summer, it’s easy to mourn the freedoms you no longer have. However, by the full moon on October 9th you will have reached an entirely new peak that you didn’t see coming. Instead of finding freedom in social situations or through friendships like you did this summer, you will feel rejuvenated from the inside out. With this newfound confidence, doors will continue to open for you. Keep your head up, and your eyes open.

Taurus (April 20 – May 20): My advice for you this month is try and be adaptable and take time to be close to those people that matter to you. With Uranus retrograding in a conjunction to your sun sign, paired with an unharmonious bundle of aspects to the current interpersonal planets- this can point to a series of testing within your personal life and/or inner circle. By the last week of the month, you will understand your personal themes throughout this transit. And with this knowledge, you will be able to plan accordingly. It’s time to buckle down and protect what you’ve built.

Gemini (May 21 – June 20):  Gemini, in the beginning of the month you may find yourself avoiding your emotions by staying active, or busy. With the transit mars still in conjunction with your natal sun, you have easily found yourself more productive now then you’ve been in a while. As we pass the full moon on the 9th, you will find yourself unable to avoid your emotions as easily as you could earlier in the month. This is because of the cluster of inner personal planets that will be in disharmony with your natal sun- added to mars going retrograde on the 30th, which will present itself in draining your social battery. This energy is presenting itself as a gift. Take some time and get to know yourself. It’s easy to forget who you are, or where your purpose lies when you’re distracting yourself with inviting other people’s energy into your circle. Embrace this gift Gemini, you won’t regret it.

Cancer (June 21 – July 22): This month is all about getting back to your roots. After your transformation this summer, you know who you are and what you want. Most cancers have already made changes that have made a positive impact on their mental health. My advice this month is to continue putting in the work and try to put yourself in your desired element. If you have been thinking about making a big change, a move, or a leap of faith to help you become the person you see yourself as at your best, take it. You have done so much growth on yourself as an individual, that you don’t need anyone to remind you that you know what you need better than anyone else. With the harmonious aspects hitting your sun sign at the end of the month, the universe is setting you up to catch you when you take this leap. It’s now or never Cancer, you can have the life you’ve always wanted. You just need to have faith, and jump.

Leo (July 23 – August 22):   This month you will start out feeling social, however by the end of the month you may find yourself feeling more comfortable at home. My advice to you this month is to use the energy you have before the full moon to enjoy all the outdoor perks of the spooky season. So that way by the time the end of the month comes you can stay home streaming movies and eating popcorn, without feeling like you’re missing out. Don’t forget to take pictures of your spooky festivities and enjoy the month!

Virgo (August 23 – September 22): Virgo, this month your communication skills will be in the spotlight. You may find friends and family flocking to you for advice or to vent. For a naturally introverted sign this may sound like something you don’t really want to be involved in, however, this month you will notice the difference between your communication and perspective versus those around you. This will bring out your naturally selfless nature, and you will feel guided to help those around you. Embrace this energy, the universe is sending you people to guide for a reason.

Libra (September 23 – October 22): Libra, this month you will be charismatically boosted! And those around you will appreciate the good vibes radiating from within you. My advice this month is maintain your voice and choose your battles wisely. Recently, you have discovered a part of yourself that makes you proud. Hold onto that energy. You may be tested around the full moon on the 9th, make sure you are using your voice to stand up for yourself, and not someone else. As a sign that is all about Justice and helping others it’s easy to fall into this trap. Remember, you will only feel satisfied with your life if you invest in what you want and need. Consistently helping others can easily take from your personal growth. This month, it’s time to let go of those who no longer need you to speak for them. This is your time Libra!

Scorpio (October 23 – November 21):Well Scorpio, it seems there is a mystery to be solved in your current life situation. You may be asking yourself questions about someone around you, or in your circle. This month you will get the answers you seek! My advice this month, don’t pressure yourself with timelines. All things come to us when we need it, not when we want it. If you invest properly, you will always achieve the things you want, when the time is right. Be ready for a new chapter Scorpio, it’s right on your horizon.

Sagittarius (November 22 – December 21): For a sign that’s had a lot of change last month, I’m sure you’re wondering when you will be able to catch your breath and relax. I have good news Sagittarius, from October 1st- October 10th you will be in a window of unstoppable growth that will aid in building the foundation of your future. As we pass the full moon, you will start taking the time for yourself that you need. This period will be a rebuild from any residual feelings left from the summer, and a monumental period in your inner self reflection. You will finally feel completely supported by those in your inner circle. Enjoy the benefits of early October and do what is best for you. Later in the year, you will be so grateful that you did.

Capricorn (December 22 – January 19): C Capricorn, you will find yourself dealing with a lot of work in the first 3 weeks of October. So much so, that you may feel October fly by. My advice this month is to make plans for Halloween with family or close friends. Have something social and fun to look forward to at the end of the month. This will help improve your mental health while you try and balance your chaotic work schedule.

Aquarius (January 20 – February 18):  Aquarius, this month you may feel yourself needing to be more adaptable than you really like to be. With your ruling planet going retrograde, your daily routine is bound to have a switch up! This could be due to a choice, a move, or a bee chapter starting in your life. Regardless of the reason, you will find yourself switching up the way you do things. Embrace this change, it’s only preparing you for what’s to come!

Pisces (February 19 – March 20): This month you will finally reap the rewards of your hard work and dependability! As a naturally intuitive, and wise sign you are always there for those you love to be a helping hand. This month you will finally start to receive some of that karma back. This can present itself in ways of financial, or spiritual. However, regardless of how it may present you will grow confidence in yourself due to the growth coming. My advice to you this month is to follow your intuition and have faith in those you believe were sent to help you at this crucial time. By the time of the 30th you will be able to see how the rewards will be presenting itself. Have faith Pisces, this month the universe is making way for a new chapter that is the key to unlocking the good karma you’ve been waiting for.

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