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Horoscopes – November 2023

Aries (March 21 – April 19): This month is going to open your eyes to a new perspective on an old problem, or situation! With the transit NN in conjunction with your Sun sign, while starting the month in the mystical 24° (which is ruled by Pisces); this proves to increase the insight and awareness for all the themes and situations encountered this month. With Saturn in Pisces this month and finally ending its retrograde, and moving direct; any obstacles, or questions you had about your current situation will be answered. This loss of restriction will demand action to be taken on your part to fully rid yourself of the past; these actions will test you to prove your change in past behaviors or habits. By the full moon on the 27th you will be rewarded or reprimanded by family, or by one’s emotional state. Be sure not to get into the habit of beating yourself up for failures; instead, prove how well you’ve learned to handle adapting to change without losing your confidence and drive. This month will unlock the details and emotions tied to the life you’re currently manifesting!

Taurus (April 20 – May 20): This month is going to start out showing your luck in the areas of your career! You are shining in your area of expertise and will continue showing your skills in this area for most of November. For any of the Taurus’s who are looking to make a big career switch this month, I’d recommend taking that leap before the full moon on the 27th. The full moon in Gemini will be in a hard aspect to your Sun sign which will present as an emotional disconnect to whatever matters you’re working on that day; moreover, with Jupiter in 7° Taurus (Libra degree), this is showing a socially charged atmosphere, with love on the brain! This month will unlock a new perspective on your social values, behaviors your energy craves, and giving answers to why these matter to your comfortability.

Gemini (May 21 – June 20): Welcome to a turning point month Gemini! You’ve had love and family matters on your mind for a few months now, and with the full moon this month landing in 4° Gemini; I have no doubt you’ll finally receive the information you’ve been looking for on that special someone, or situation. Another huge indicator that this month is about closing out a cycle for Gemini is the moon starting the month out in 29° Gemini, which astrologically is a symbolic representation of the end of a misunderstanding; miscommunication; or narcissistic abuse cycle [heavy on verbal abuse ending/ or lies.] This kind of life changing energy falling within the charts most emotional and personal planet, is going to be a huge emotional shift for Most Gemini’s. (This is critical and influential to all Gemini placements but most importantly; Gemini Sun, moon, or ASC.) Take it easy this month and maintain awareness. Even if it hurts to look around and see the truth, it’s better than being blind to the lies. Let your history guide you through your current situation, you know what you need, even if they don’t!

Cancer (June 21 – July 22): This month is going to give you the opportunity to show what you’ve learned about communicating your emotions effectively! With the full moon this month on the 27th landing in 4° Gemini- this cancer ruled degree, will push cancer placements to vocalize and communicate on a variety of circumstances and situations, leaving them to prove how emotionally stable they’ve become in the past few years. For those Cancers who have ignored or dismissed doing the inner work on themselves, they will be very harshly faced with the facts of where their current emotional dysfunction has led them, and how it’s affected their interpersonal and romantic relationships. Make sure you’re practicing what you preach!

Leo (July 23 – August 22): This month is also putting some focus on communication for Leo’s! With the month starting out in 17° Scorpio Mercury, (Leo ruled degree), this is setting up the social atmosphere for possible competition and secret sharing. Be very careful with gossip this month, anything you say behind someone’s back will come to light by the full moon on the 27th. The plus side to this backstabbing energy is that anything said behind your back will also be brought to light, airing out everyone’s dirty laundry. My advice to you this month is to just be compassionate, and only share things about others in a positive light. If criticism comes to mind, but you wouldn’t say it to the person; then keep your mouth shut! Keep your eyes on your own goals and make steady progress. And do your best to steer clear from potential drama!

Virgo (August 23 – September 22): This month is going to have you feeling confused on where you stand with a situation or person, this is because last month ended without completing closure. With the starting transit Venus in conjunction to your Sun sign, paired with Lilith and Juno in that conjunction; this is combining the energy of these placements while putting stress on those matters of the 6th house. My advice to you this month is to be sure you’re on your health. With so much going on day in and day out, and so many chaotic changes presenting; everything feels unstable. However, health matters are hidden in the shadows for Virgo this month which is a cause of concern for those who may ignore certain health problems this could lead to a health surprise or two. Get to the doctor, and make sure you have all the details!

Libra (September 23 – October 22): This month is demanding that you get more structured in your day-to-day life! With the insane amount of Scorpio in transit this month, added with the transit south node in conjunction to your Sun sign; this month is going to get you seriously reorganizing how you manage your everyday life. The Scorpio in a semi-positive aspect to your sun sign but adds a layer of intense mystery to the circumstances and events being dealt with this month. Be wary of people you meet this month who seem inauthentic when interacting with you. The universe is trying to show you how much you’ve grown from the person you once were. Anyone who can’t let go of who you were in your past, doesn’t deserve access to you in the future. Don’t let anyone drag you down, just let them go.

Scorpio (October 23 – November 21): This month is all about being in your element! With the tremendous amount of Scorpio in transit this month- you are in for deep connections, deep conversations, and gatherings with loved ones that help heal you. My advice to you this month is to stand tall with your head held high! The transits this month are helping you feel, and appear more attractive, and communicate more efficiently; universally you feel supported to show up as your best self. Enjoy the amazing boost!

Sagittarius (November 22 – December 21): This month is going to have you feeling socially burnt way before the full moon! With the month starting out in heavy Scorpio/ Virgo energy then shifting into heavy Sagittarius/ Libra energy- it’s going to be a busy month full of doctors’ appointments, meetings, work commitments, school commitments, and social gatherings. Then as the transits transition into more Sagittarius energy, this will spark the adventurous spirit within you causing you to pick up a new hobby, obsession, or travel plan. Opening yourself to new experiences will always help you grow, so embrace these changes and come up with a time commitment that works for your schedule to avoid burnout. Either way, get ready for a long and productive month of getting things ready for what’s yet to come!

Capricorn (December 22 – January 19): This month is going to have you questioning what exactly has changed within you to explain why you feel so much different than you once did. With the transit Jupiter starting out in a Capricorn degree, paired with Pluto’s dip back into Capricorn the answer to why you feel different is easy; you’ve changed a lot. My advice to you this month is to own your changes, and work to actively fight yourself sabotaging behaviors that stems from your inherent imposter syndrome. You did the work, and so you deserve the credit. What’s so difficult about that? What about you makes you want to shrug off the success, yet need the collective validation to feel productive as a member in society? These are some questions I’d recommend asking yourself this month. Get down to the bottom of who you are, and why you feel unworthy of the success you’ve achieved. The best of you has yet to be discovered, and it’s time to explore!

Aquarius (January 20 – February 18): This month is a turning point in your life! With transit Venus starting the month in 23° Virgo (an Aquarius degree), this shows that there is a restructuring of current day to day habits at hand currently for Aquarius energy. This can be due to physical massive life changes, or internal perspective changes that lead to physical change this month. Whatever it may be for you personally, you can expect that whatever is being affected by this energy will be completely broken down and recreated. This is because the old structures just won’t work anymore. This is the first time in your life so far, you’ve been in this new situation. It’s important you do what’s best for you going forward, and to find peace in stability, and stability during chaos.

Pisces (February 19 – March 20): This month is going to expand your scope of influence, while increasing your level of intuition. With the transit Saturn in conjunction with your sun sign and paired with Neptune this energy is teaching Pisces to build skills from what they encounter in their everyday lives. Then, with Saturn moving from its retrograde and moving direct this will mark the ending to the cycle of restriction on your intuitive and spiritual growth. I like to think of this energy as a catapult; once Saturn goes retrograde all the lessons learned during the retrograde get catapulted to the intuitive mind of Pisces to analyze and use for future benefit. Until the eclipse in April 2024- Pisces are in a unique situation, with an even heightened spiritual ability and emotional influence. Anything can happen during this time, and material luck is heightened dramatically! Be sure not to use this platform for manipulation or personal gain; instead use it to guide others to a safe place without need for reimbursement. If you’re feeling burnt out, look to see if who you’re helping would do the same for you- if they wouldn’t, let them go; If they would, communicate with them about how you’re feeling. You don’t always need to do everything on your own!

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