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Horoscopes – November 2022

Aries (March 21 – April 19): Aries, this month is all about maintaining the projects you started at the end of the summer. My advice this month is don’t make any new plans, or else your entire project may be in jeopardy. Energetically, you may find yourself feeling a drag regarding new connections you make this month. The people you meet in November are being sent to help you grow your methods of communication. Take the time to keep up with your projects and keep an open mind this month! 

Taurus (April 20 – May 20): Well Taurus, this month is going to be a huge turning point in terms of your confidence. After a chaotic summer and early fall full of change and surprises, you’re now going to feel fully in control of your life and the direction it’s headed. Allow yourself to enjoy these feelings this month, after all the work you did last month to hold onto your foundation. You deserve this confidence boost!

Gemini (May 21 – June 20):  Gemini, this month is going to heavily impact your energy level. During the first week of November, this drag will be most apparent. This change is coming from Mars retrograding in your natal sun sign, Mars being the planet that represents action and drive. Use this time to choose wisely regarding what you’ve been choosing to put your energy into. Especially if it’s something that impacts your finances. This month is going to show you exactly what you’re meant to pursue in this lifetime. My advice is to allow yourself to slow down so you can see exactly what you’ve been needing to see. This may feel like universal intervention, but I can assure you greatness will come from it! 

Cancer (June 21 – July 22): Cancer, this month you can tell that someone close to you is keeping some level of information from you. I’m here to tell you that your intuition is right, you are missing some details that will help paint the whole picture. Whatever this information is will be revealed to you before Mars goes direct on January 12, 2023, and Lilith moves from your sign into Leo. This month my advice for you is to be careful who you trust. Not everyone has your best intentions at heart, keep your eyes and ears open! 

Leo (July 23 – August 22):   This month is going to start with you feeling emotional about a family matter. No matter how big or small this issue may be, it will still weigh heavy on you at the beginning of the month. My advice to you is to reach out to an air sign friend or family member that you can trust if you’re feeling overwhelmed. They may have the exact advice you need to feel stronger in your decision to stand your ground. This month’s lesson for you is on confidence. By the end of the month, you will feel rejuvenated. Make sure to stand your ground Leo! Now is not the time to back down! 

Virgo (August 23 – September 22): Virgo, this month will start with you feeling like the best days are behind you. That can’t be farther from the truth! You have recently deepened your connections with those select family and friends that you trust. These people are the ones that will continue to play a part in you having an amazing winter! My advice this month is to stay calm and try to be optimistic for the future. If you maintain this pessimism within your current routine, you will never feel happy in the moment. Let yourself be happy Virgo! 

Libra (September 23 – October 22): Well Libra, after a summer and early fall filled with growth get ready to hit another peak! You’ve been guarded for months while you evolved into this better version of yourself, now it’s time to look around at who you surround yourself with and make sure you’re happy with those people who made the cut. With your ruling planet, Venus, being in Scorpio for most of the month, there seems to still be one or a few people left that aren’t practicing what they preach. My advice is to find those people and cut them out before the end of Mars retrograde. This will help catapult your evolution to new heights! 

Scorpio (October 23 – November 21): Scorpio get ready for a month you’ll never forget! Recently you’ve probably noticed your intuition is scary on point, I’m here to tell you that this trend will continue until the end of November. Scorpios are ready to take the next step, and this month they will be given an opportunity to jump! My advice to you is to keep manifesting what you want, and by the end of the month you will either get what you’ve been asking for or you will gain information on why you aren’t getting that right now. I see huge change happening for Scorpio this month, especially in the areas of communication, love life, career, and finances! 

Sagittarius (November 22 – December 21): Sagittarius, this month will start with you feeling left out or more lethargic than you normally do. Do not fear! By the end of the month the Sun, Mercury, and Venus will all move into your natal sun, finally giving you that boost you’ve been needing to get things done! My advice to you is to use your energy wisely, and if something seems too good to be true then it probably is! Stay strong, Sagittarius!

Capricorn (December 22 – January 19): Capricorn, this month you may feel less motivated to get to work! For a hardworking sign, this will make you feel not like yourself. Instead of allowing this blockage to make you feel disconnected from yourself, my advice to you is to discover new things about yourself. Maybe there’s a hobby you stopped that you miss, or a vacation spot you’ve always wanted to see but never took the time. Whatever it may be, my advice is to take the time you need to feel connected to those you care for again. You will be happy that you did! 

Aquarius (January 20 – February 18):  This month is going to end with you feeling in your element. That may sound surprising to you if you read this early in the month, but I guarantee by the end of November you will understand exactly what I mean. You’ve been surrounded by irreversible change, and now you finally feel the difference within yourself. Embracing this will make you happier than you ever felt you could be! My advice to you is to keep learning and growing in this new area and you will forever be changed in the most positive way. Expect great changes this month Aquarius! 

Pisces (February 19 – March 20): Pisces, this month is all about growing your inner personal relationships. Recently you have found a new connection with someone from your past, they are meticulously being placed in your life to help you receive the good karma you’ve been waiting for. If you’re unsure about who exactly this connection might be, the moon will conjunct your natal sun on November 30th, which is when you will be guaranteed to know who this person is. My advice to you this month is to embrace things that make you feel loved. Feeling loved is the first step to becoming more confident in your true self. Be proud of how far you’ve come, Pisces!

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