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Students planning to vote in 2020: health care and student debt are core issues

The United States Presidential election is officially less than a year away. Voters will head to the polls on Tuesday, November 3, 2020 to determine who will be in office through January 2025.

There are many important issues being discussed, such as climate change, gun control, health care, and the rising cost of higher education.

A recent VOICE survey of 30 Mercer students found that 63% are registered to vote and of those, 84% are planning to get to the polls.

The issues of greatest concern to students were health care reform, the cost of college, and climate change.

Next year’s election will be a referendum of sorts on Trump’s first term in office. 73% of students surveyed said they were unsatisfied with the President’s performance so far.

The survey also indicated that Bernie Sanders is the front-runner among declared candidates vying for the Democratic nomination. 36% of respondents said they are likely to vote for the Vermont Senator next year.

In terms of current favorite candidates, 20% of respondents indicated they were planning on voting for Elizabeth Warren, followed by 18% for Joe Biden.

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