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MCCC offers free Zumba classes to students and staff

Mercer provides free Zumba classes in the PE building at 12-1.p.m. on Tuesdays. Colleen Skillman has been the instructor since 2010 having gotten her certification and started working at gyms like the Hamilton YMCA and Retro Fitness. Skillman is licensed to teach Zumba, Zumba® Kids & Kids Jr.

According to the Mayo Clinic’s website, “Zumba is a fitness program that combines Latin and international music with dance moves. Zumba routines incorporate interval training — alternating fast and slow rhythms — to help improve cardiovascular fitness.”

Zumba is a trademarked style that originated in the 1990’s by Alberto  “Beto” Perez, a Columbian dancer and choreographer. 

Brittney Major, a student in William Patterson’s University program at Mercer, says, “When you go to Zumba, you don’t think about anything else, just that you want to have a good time.” 

Skillman says “Here we have all different fitness levels and all different ages. I try to make everyone feel comfortable. I always tell people to do their level of fitness.  You can go all out to get a higher workout or be a bit more gentle depending on your fitness level.”

There are several health benefits that come from doing Zumba. 

According to the  Mayo Clinic, “Zumba is an aerobic activity that can count toward the amount of aerobic activity recommended for most healthy adults by the Department of Health and Human Services…If you enjoy Zumba, you’re also more likely to do it regularly and experience its benefits as an aerobic exercise.”

When asked, “What do you think needs to be changed in order to improve Zumba?” a current  participant said: “More classes a week would be great!” 

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