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Santa is back and he has a mask, hand sanitizer, and good cheer for everyone!

With his red suit, black boots, and jolly “ho, ho, ho,” Santa is coming to town! But Kris Kringle’s visit will look a little different during covid. He’ll be wearing a mask for meet-and-greets while in malls, parades, tree lightings, brunches, and parties. 

Mall Santas are back at work in 2021, but they are only taking off their masks for photos. | File photo

Santa’s magic is in his ability to connect with his youngest fans. 

“I have enjoyed years of smiles and laughter when taking my children to visit Santa” says Mary McKithen, a mother of seven. “It was also helpful during the holiday seasons having Santa talk about being kind, getting good grades and obeying their parents.” 

Harper Hampton, a 6 year old Santa fan, expressed how excited she is for the man with the sleigh to visit her hometown of Huntersville, North Carolina, saying “It means everybody will be getting gifts and presents for Christmas Day!” 

Customer Service Representative, James Hershberger of Cherry Hill Programs says Santa is back and can’t wait for the season to start. “He’s prepared for the children, overbearing parents, crying babies and the young at heart of all ages awaiting his arrival.” 

Hershberger has been busy hiring and placing Santas in events since 1961. 

“It’s not easy finding a good Santa,” he says. “It takes a special talent and ability to connect with different people from different circumstances.” 

Thankfully, the big man has been taking all the necessary precautions to stay healthy during the pandemic. 

According to photographer and Santa’s Helper, James Kelly of the International Brotherhood of Bearded Santas, “Santa has been vaccinated for both Covid 19 and the flu. He uses hand sanitizer and changes gloves frequently.” Anyone not getting photographed must wear a mask if speaking to Santa.

Having performed for over 20 years, Santa Paul of Gigsalad, from Burlington NJ says the reason he returns year after year is “I’ve been blessed. If you could see what I see in their eyes when I talk to them and not only the children but the adults, you would truly understand why we keep the spirit alive for as long as we can.” 

Santa Paul says he got his start while “working for a newspaper and a co-worker said you would make a great Santa. I thought if he could see me as the Big Guy then let’s try it.” 

When ask what he enjoys the most about performing he says “It’s the joy when walking in a parking lot or sitting in a restaurant in September and a man yell what he wants for Christmas or that child walks up to you in January and hugs you and say thanks for their gifts or when 75-year-old women says wait right here, I have to get Sarah and she comes back with her 75 year old friend and says see I told you it’s Santa. I do it to keep the spirit alive for we all grow up fast.” 

On Christmas Eve, anyone can easily locate Santa using various apps for IOS and Android devices, Ask Alexa, Google Santa Trackers, or North America Aerospace Defense Command (NORAD) radars and satellites by dialing 1-877-HI-Norad.

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