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Letter to the Editor: Why you should vote for me, Christian Perez

Fellow MCCC Students,

Christian Perez, Student Government Presidential candidate. PHOTO | COURTESY OF AUTHOR

My name is Christian Perez, your Vice President of Student Government Association. I am writing to you regarding the upcoming elections, where I will be running as your President. For most students, including myself prior to joining, “Student Government” is usually an empty term. We often don’t see or hear anything impactful, but that doesn’t have to be the case.

I was hard at work during the COVID-19 lockdown, meeting with politicians via Zoom to advocate on behalf of CCOG (Community College Opportunity Grant) and other financial aid opportunities for students. In fact, you can find promotional material for a CCOG campaign that features me, among other students, online and out in the world! I also advocated on behalf of our student body and clubs and fought back when some members of the administration tried to take our club offices and meeting rooms from us. I went so far as to email President Wang herself, of whom was very supportive of us, and produce a video with other students which I would have publicized if our voices weren’t heard. Finally, one of my last agenda items I accomplished was hosting regular meetings with SGA members of our neighboring county colleges so that we can share ideas, collaborate and support each other- something that proved to be super valuable and that they are eager to continue doing with me this coming term.

All that said, Student Government Association has taken on a bigger meaning and part of my life than just granting me some sort of fancy title. It’s become hard work, but only because I strive to make it hard work. I want to continue to give students the opportunity to enjoy what this college can offer, without missing out on the “college experience” or struggling as hard financially as they would otherwise. I want to inspire the rest of you to speak up or, better yet, get involved, and amplify your voices where you either can’t or are too shy to. If you value any of that and want to see someone not just take the reins but go somewhere with it, vote for me, Christian Perez.

Chris Perez for President. Voting for me is a vote for yourself.  

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