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Martel’s Christmas Wonderland in Hamilton Township for 34 years wins $50,000

For the past 34 years Bob Martel’s Christmas Wonderland has consistently lit up the block of 21 Phillips Avenue in Hamilton Township, NJ. This year Bob’s children entered the attraction in ABC’s cable show “The Great Christmas Light Fight” which features 4 families in the state of NJ competing for a $50,000 grand prize which the Martel’s won.

Martel, as a young boy of 9, spent a lot of time with his uncles who influenced him with their tradition and interest in holiday decoration lighting. 

Even when sidelined by a serious injury 10 years ago with the help through local community, family and friends the display was able to be continued.

The Martel’s holiday display consists of incandescent colored lights, animated dolls, blow-molded polyethylene figures such as wooden soldiers, and Santa’s helpers that can be seen on the front lawn. 

Masks and distancing mandatory, but Martel’s provides Christmas cheer in Hamilton Township, NJ. -PHOTO: Jason Norton

Bob has added numerous visual and sound-making attractions to the ever-growing display now showcasing a moveable train set, electronic spinning ferris wheel, animated musical figures and 97 inflatable blow up decorations added just this year. 

Pre-covid Santa would make his special appearance on Sundays for kids to sit on his lap and whisper that special gift they long to see wrapped under their tree 

Mark Baul 29, and Mira Khila 30, a couple from Hightstown, NJ who recently moved to Hamilton Township and found out about Martel’s on social media said, “We’re amazed has the display is, the amount of lights there are.”

This is the couple’s first time here and have been to other holiday light shows but say they feel “nothing compares to this experience”.

Children look for the holiday elves at Martel’s Christmas display in Hamilton Township, NJ. -PHOTO: Jason Norton

Bob says he and his family search on the off-season at local thrift stores and flea markets for anything they can add to the display. 

First timer Herb Kropnick 91, who went to Martel’s this year to “See what all the wonder was about” said he sees “all the hard work put into this and the respect for family values”.  

Bob says he’s motivated by “Seeing the enjoyment and wonder in the visiting children’s eyes.” 

For those who wish to venture out for the live experience, there are a few rules to abide by. The Wonderland is open Mon-Fri at 6pm, but with new enforced outdoor gathering restrictions in effect tto be adjusted accordingly to ensure social distancing is followed and everyone can enjoy the display safely through January 1.

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