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Working at Staples in customer service means handling people who won’t wear masks: I have found a strategy to manage

In her ongoing “Learn from Me” column, student Laurie Gallagher offers explanations and tips for students on everyday topics.

I work part-time at Staples in customer service. I enjoy working with all kinds of people and my job can be interesting and exciting, but as anyone who works in customer service knows, it can be a challenge, too. 

One of my tasks at work is to remind customers to put their masks on. Sometimes I have to remind them over and over again. I explain how important it is to wear one to protect themselves and others. 

I don’t think the fact that I have Down Syndrome makes them less likely to take me seriously. The ones who don’t want to be responsible don’t take anyone seriously. They are just as difficult with everyone else at my job. 

Most people are good about mask-wearing, but I spend a lot of time keeping every surface clean and sanitizing everything to keep customers comfortable and safe, so when people won’t be sensible it can get frustrating. 

I try not to let it bother me because I have goals to be General Manager one day, and there are plenty of challenges to moving up. I can’t let difficult customers get me down. I have learned to stand on my two feet. I learn from my boss and know I have to be a strong woman to move up. 

Fortunately, being in sales is a good field for me. Majoring in Communication at MCCC is helping me do well at it. While I follow people around the store saying “Excuse me. You need to put on a mask, please,” over and over, I remind myself what my goals are and it helps me stay calm.

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